Trigger Finger


Trigger Finger

Trigger finger is a condition that causes pain, stiffness, and locking/catching of the finger during bending. This occurs due to entrapment of the flexor tendons or a nodule at the A1 pulley of the finger. This is seen in patients with diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, but often there is no cause. If patients have one trigger finger, it is possible that they will have another in the future.


The diagnosis of trigger finger can be made by your provider in clinic, and it usually does not require further imaging like an MRI unless other issues are present.


Nonsurgical Treatment

  • NSAIDS, such as Aleve or Ibuprofen for pain control, ice, and rest
  • Steroid injections at the base of the finger to relieve inflammation of the flexor tendon. These injections are very effective and frequently will permanently fix the problem. It may take 2-3 injections to completely get rid of the pain and catching. Dr. Fleager will not provide more than 3 steroid injections per finger, to avoid tendon injury.

Surgical Treatment
If your symptoms do not respond to the above non-operative treatments, surgery may be indicated. Dr. Fleager can perform a trigger finger release in the office with the patient awake, or in the operating room with the patient asleep. This is a day surgery that does not require an overnight stay or any post-operative physical therapy.