I have been dealing with lower back problems for years and years, so many that I have forgotten to be honest with you. I hurt so bad that I could barely walk, had to quit working in 2011. I went to so many doctors here in the Dallas and Fort Worth area, and all of them more than less labeled me as a drug seeker or even a lab rat. Sorry but that is the way I feel. I was about to just give up on everything, I couldn't go to Church, walk my dogs, or even mow my lawn. I just felt so useless. So I talked to my regular primary Dr. and he set me up with Dr. Tucker at NTO, and that is the best thing that has ever happened to me. In less than 5 visits, Dr. Tucker has done more for me than all the other Doctor's did in the past 6 years. He took the time to listen to me, and he took all the necessary steps to get me back to where I need to be. I thank God every day for this clinic and especially Dr. Tucker, Jessica, and all the wonderful staff at North Texas Orthopedics for giving me my life back. Thanks.

Gary T.
Treating Doctor
Christopher J. Tucker, D.O.